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Hot polyurea system


Polyurea is an innovative material resulting from the chemical reaction between isocyanate and polyol. Polyurea can be applied either as a cold application or hot spray. Hot spray polyurea (as detailed below) is a relatively new technology that is continuously gaining traction. All polyureas are the result of mixing at least two components in the appropriate ratio.

Polyurea is used for waterproofing surfaces with varying requirements. After the spraying process, the final product is an elastic and rigid surface without joints and seams, which has high resistance to wear, chemicals, and time degradation (long lifespan). Depending on the requirements of each application, the appropriate type of polyurea is available, as our company offers a range of more than 20 different materials.

1.Preparation of the surface to the required degree (cleaning, washing, local repairs, removal of loose parts, etc.).
2. Preparation of the materials by preheating and mixing according to the technical datasheets of each material.
3. Priming the surface with the appropriate bonding agent (which can be an epoxy primer or spray-applied polyurethane foam).
4. Εφόσον έχει ολοκληρωθεί το αστάρωμα και έχει παρέλθει ο απαιτούμενος χρόνος (αν υπάρχει, σύμφωνα με το εκάστοτε υλικό) και τα συστατικά της πολυουρία είναι έτοιμα για ψεκασμό γίνεται έλεγχος του εξοπλισμού ψεκασμού και των ΜΑΠ (Μέσα Ατομική Προστασία) του εφαρμοστή και του βοηθού.
5. Once the priming is complete and the required time has passed (if applicable, according to each material), and the components of the polyurea are ready for spraying, a check is performed on the spraying equipment and the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) of the applicator and assistant.
6. Once the application is complete, a quality check is conducted using specialized equipment to identify any imperfections or problematic areas, and these are repaired.

Advantages of waterproofing with polyurea:

Polyurea has an incredibly fast application speed, as most materials cure to 80% within 20-30 seconds and can withstand traffic and rain after just a few minutes (15-30). Its reaction, application, and curing are faster than any other technology, resulting in very rapid project completion (for example, waterproofing 200m² can be completed in one day)

Polyurea is applied in a single layer to the required thickness and forms a seamless surface without joints and seams, which are the main points of failure in conventional materials.

It can be applied to any surface regardless of shape or difficulty of access, including protrusions or cavities.

It has excellent resistance to impact, abrasion, thermal cycling, standing water, etc. The performance of the material is not affected by moisture and temperature, and when combined with spray-applied polyurethane insulating foam, it can provide a top-tier thermal and moisture insulation system.

It contains no VOCs or solvents (100% solids) and is an environmentally friendly product.


Krypton Polyurea: Krypton Impermax H Flex, Impermax H Flex Alum, Impermax 2K, Polyurea Rayston

Sika Polyurea: Sikalastic®-843 GP, Sikalastic®-851, Sikalastic®-8800, Sikalastic®-851 R, Sikalastic®-838 LM
