It is a three-component floor, extremely strong and highly resistant to chemicals, acids, and more. It is used indoors in buildings and industrial spaces with heavy traffic, such as shopping centers, offices, etc. During application, the floor becomes smooth and level.

1. The preparation before applying the material requires a sound substrate, free from loose parts and dust.

2. Surface grinding with special grinders to widen the pores of the specific surface (cement screed, concrete).

3. Thorough cleaning of the surface to remove various residues and local repairs.

4. An epoxy primer is applied.

5. The self-leveling cementitious material is applied to the floor with a notched trowel at a thickness of 1mm to 3mm.

6. Then, a spiked roller is used to release trapped air.
The advantages of self-leveling floor:

The application process is typically simple and quick, as the material levels itself automatically and does not require much manual labor.

Self-leveling flooring provides a uniform finish without irregularities or differences in the surface level.

The materials used in self-leveling flooring are typically highly resistant to wear and tear, making it suitable for commercial and industrial spaces.

It can be applied to various surfaces, including concrete, wood, and metal.

Self-leveling floors are typically resistant to various chemicals and liquids, making them suitable for industrial applications where there is extensive use of chemicals.